I support people with a range of health concerns. My proactive approach is built upon education, proper investigation and advocacy.

I believe in working collaboratively with other health professionals including medical doctors.



Fatigue is by far the most common concern I see. It can encompass physical exhaustion, cognitive dysfunction, brain fog and lack of motivation. Since it can be caused by many different things, our goal is to determine your specific underlying causes and target and treat them to restore natural energy.

Causes of Fatigue

thyroid concerns

I know from personal experience how miserable a life with improperly treated hypothyroidism can be. Conventional medicine often falls short in diagnosing and treating this problem. Common symptoms include exhaustion, constipation, and depression or anxiety. My comprehensive approach will help you live your best life with an optionally working thyroid.


digestive health

The foundation of good health starts in the gut. 70-80% of our immune system lies here, so any disturbance in the gut will have far-reaching effects on the rest of the body. For example, a food allergy may create anxiety and fatigue in addition to creating heartburn, and an overgrowth of bacteria in the gut can cause joint pain as well as gas & bloating. Together, we’ll test for food allergies & sensitivities, evaluate disturbances in gut bacteria, hidden infections and inflammation. 


Both women and men can experience hormonal imbalances that impair their quality of life. Men may notice a lack of libido, low energy and inability to gain muscle when their hormones are not optimal. Women suffer from irregular cycles, acne, fertility concerns, PMS, insomnia and hot flashes. We’ll work together to ensure your hormones are functioning optimally.


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